

And it is Friday again.


Today is also the last day of the school term, and my little angel will have 2 weeks off! EEK! I’m sure I will survive somehow.


Now, I haven’t been as productive as I would have liked (do you see a pattern emerging?), and I know that the next two weeks I won’t get as much done as I might like. This whole unproductive malarkey is making me very miserable. I feel like a hamster on a wheel, hammering away and going no where.

So I concluded that I really am doing too much. From now, I will only have 3 projects on the go. The novel, a short story, and an article. Let’s see if that will help improve my output.


Something needs to change, that is for sure. I am going to be re-visiting ‘The Positively Productive Writer’ and I will read it more slowly this time, whilst bulleting steps I need to take. I hope it works.


How is your writing coming along?

  1. Virginia says:

    I think I’ve got too much on aswell. To be honest my blog keeps me busy the most because I’m forever thinking about what topics to discuss. Before you know it it’s bed time and I havent even looked at my book…..which is sitting there, mid development. I was on a roll with my characters but kids, school, sports etc really do take up a lot of time. You may find that those 2 weeks holiday might give you a little more time than you think! 🙂

  2. liz young says:

    Ever since subscribing to Writing Magazine last summer I’ve been floundering in a morass. Do I enter the competitions which might get me recognized, or continue plugging away at my latest book?
    Result – chaos. A list a mile long that grows at one end while I whittle away at the other.
    And my little angels are grown and long gone, but the OH is still here demanding attention!

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